The CO₂ export terminal developed by Fluxys through its affiliate Dunkerque LNG is an essential link in making a significant contribution to the decarbonisation of the Dunkerque region and to France’s climate objectives.
A strong commitment by Dunkerque LNG and all the actors in the Dunkirk area to a collective, innovative and ambitious project to reduce CO₂ emissions, safeguard local industrial activity and jobs and boost local economic attractiveness.
The CO₂ terminal is part of a joint initiative to decarbonise industry, Cap Décarbonation, carried out in collaboration with Air Liquide France Industrie, Dunkerque LNG, EQIOM, Lhoist and RTE.
Decarbonise the Dunkerque industrial cluster
The Dunkirk industrial port area is one of the industrial regions in France with the highest CO₂ emissions. It accounts for 21% of French industrial emissions, with 13.7 million tonnes of CO₂ emitted in 2020 (source: France 2030).
The region has clear and ambitious decarbonisation targets:
Companies involved
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First phase of the project
As a key infrastructure partner, we want to accelerate the energy transition with infrastructure for different molecules. We aim to offer customers 1.5M tonnes per year of CO₂ in the first phase of the CO₂ terminal in Dunkerque.
The terminal expansion will allow us to provide our customers with flexible options for storing and evacuating CO₂.
Second phase of the project
As a key infrastructure partner, we want to accelerate the energy transition with infrastructure for different molecules. We aim to offer customers 1.5M tonnes per year of CO₂ in the first phase of the CO₂ terminal in Dunkerque.
The terminal expansion will allow us to provide our customers with flexible options for storing and evacuating CO₂.
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