What are the benefits of Underground #HydrogenStorage (UHS) for society?
How can we unlock its full potential?

Our expert Carole Le Henaff answered those questions at @FlameConference:
✅#Energy resilience
✅The solutions: https://bit.ly/4dc1eSH

#GETCongress proudly welcomes @achovskiboyana, Secretary General at @GIEBrussels, as a speaker for the Strategic Conference.

Register as a delegate today: https://bit.ly/487yW9l
View Strategic Conference Agenda: https://bit.ly/3U1xj80

#GETCongress #EnergyTransition

📽️(Re)watch our event on underground #hydrogen storage (#UHS) needs in the EU.

👉There is an #urgent need for targeted policy intervention to meet Europe's UHS requirements.

Dive into the insights revealed at our recent workshop in Brussels: https://bit.ly/43ajyqu

Yesterday, #ENNOH founding operators unveiled milestones and objectives in a key stakeholder workshop.
🔍@PvanAartsen & @AbelDavEnriquez emphasised the importance of stakeholder engagement in successfully setting up ENNOH and accelerating the #hydrogen market's development.

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GIE presents new study: Picturing the value of underground gas storage to the European hydrogen system

The study presents the essential role of underground gas storages in establishing an integrated energy system and hydrogen economy in Europe by 2050. The vision paper and map provide a detailed overview, with concrete facts and figures, of the potential of these facilities. They build on the updated proposal for the European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB), a vision for a pan-European dedicated hydrogen network. This analysis was performed by Guidehouse in collaboration with GIE.

Download the study at : https://www.gie.eu/publications/studies/

Related materials :
GIE Press Release
Press Release, 15 June 2021

European Commission Hydrogen Strategy
A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe

Presentation of the Study at European Hydrogen Webinar, 15 June 2021
Full event video recording (1h28)

Extending the European Hydrogen Backbone
Gas for Climate Vision report