It´s a wrap! A huge thanks to Torben Brabo for his leadership through the years and welcome to Arno Büx as our new president! Also a special shoutout to Boyana Achovski for her unwavering dedication and visionary approach in GIE. ❤️#GIEAC24

The third topic of Day 2 at #GIEAC24 is CCUS. The panel, “CCUS Strategy Unveiled,” is exploring the vital role of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) in the global decarbonization effort. #GIEMunich24

#GIEAC24 continues with a second GIEtalk at the Biomethane Lighthouse Project 'Green Energy Hub' in Reimlingen. This project aims to achieve negative emissions to support the Net-Zero goals.

#GIEAC24 2nd Panel was on: Biomethane! Discussing its current status in different countries and what’s next needed net for its contributing to cleaner energy solutions.


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GTE President

Milan Sedláček   

GTE President
eustream, a.s.

Dr. Milan Sedláček is Head of EU Affairs and Strategy at Eustream, a.s. , the gas transmission system operator of Slovakia – which is an operator of one of the biggest import corridors of gas for EU. Milan has nearly 30 years of experience in gas transmission.

In his career in gas transmission he was holding various managerial positions oriented on business, regulation and strategy. He was managing the areas of transmission capacity sales, business development and strategy, always with strong focus on regulatory affairs. Currently he is as well the compliance officer of the company.

During his career he was responsible/cooperating in a number of projects, namely related to introduction of third party access to transmission network, transparency, unbundling, network codes implementation and EU affairs.

Furthermore, the integral part of his activities are the EU gas associations, being the active member of GTE, GIE and ENTSOG since their foundation, being also the member of GTE Executive Committee. He is an active member of Slovak Gas and Oil Association, long time working in IGU bodies, member of the editorial board of Slovgas journal. Milan is active speaker at various international conferences, and has an extensive publication activity.

GTE Executive Commitee

Click on the photos below to check out the biography.

Ralph Bahke

Ralph Bahke

Managing Director, ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH

Ralph Bahke, born 1964, studied Information Technology at the Technical University of Dresden. He joined VNG – Verbundnetz Gas AG in 1994 and became responsible for the planning of automation technology. In 2001 he changed to the Gas Transportation Department where he held various senior management positions.

Between January 2006 and November 2008, Bahke worked in senior management posts of the Network Marketing Department in the newly established transmission system operator ONTRAS. Since November 2008 he has been one of the two ONTRAS managing directors, responsible for the division controlling and development.

From December 2009 to December 2015 Bahke was board member of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG).

In 2011 Bahke was appointed member of the Energy Advisory Board of the German Free State of Saxony. Since December 2012 Bahke was Chairman of the board of “Vereinigung der Fernleitungsnetzbetreiber Gas e.V.”, the association of German Transmission System Operators for Gas. He gave up this position in 2020 and joined GIE (Gas Infrastructure Europe) board in January 2021.


Pierre Duvieusart

Pierre Duvieusart

Deputy CEO, GRTgaz

Pierre DUVIEUSART has been Executive Vice President since September 1, 2018.

A graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs and the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, Pierre Duvieusart is a professionnal of the energy sector.

He started his career in the Elf Group where he held several positions mainly in the Exploration-Production Division. In 2001, he joined the Gaz de France group as M&A Project Manager, before joining the team responsible for the IPO of the company. In 2012, Pierre was appointed GRTgaz’s new Chief Financial Officer and on September 1, 2018, he was appointed Deputy Managing Director of GRTgaz.


Martin Cook
National Gas

Martin Cook

Chief Commercial Officer
National Gas

Martin is Chief Commercial Officer at National Gas and has worked for National Gas and its predecessor companies since 2000. He joined from Price Waterhouse Coopers where he spent 10 years as a management consultant working in the Energy Sector.

Martin has had a varied career in National Grid working in both the US and the UK and has led several of National Grid’s non-regulated business units. He is currently responsible for all commercial activities in the Gas business with responsibility for regulation, hydrogen related developments, business planning and strategy.

Martin is a qualified accountant and holds a degree in Metallurgy and Material Science.

Martin Cook


Gaetano Mazzitelli
Snam Rete Gas

Gaetano Mazzitelli

Executive Vice President Commercial, Asset Planning & Regulatory Affairs, SNAM

Gaetano Mazzitelli has been Executive Vice President Commercial,
Asset Planning & Regulatory Affairs of Snam since February 2021.
He began his career in Snam in 1995 with increasing responsibilities
roles, including: national and international acquisition projects and the
unbundling of transmission and regasification activities.

In 2001 he was Head of Tariffs and Project Evaluation at Snam Rete Gas,
in charge of investment planning and regulated services tariff
proposals and contributing to the company IPO.

From 2006 he was in charge of Snam Rete Gas Business Development,
ensuring tariffs and network code proposals definitions, gas demand
forecasts, the identification of markets and regulations development
opportunities and participating to Stogit and Italgas acquisition and
integration projects.

In 2011 he was appointed as Snam Executive Vice President of
Regulatory Affairs.

He was Board Director in TAG Gmbh and in Interconnector UK Ltd.

He was Chairman of the Shareholder Meeting of PRISMA European
Capacity Platform GmbH between March 2017 and March 2021.

He is President/CEO of ITG, the company owning and operating the
pipeline connecting Adriatic LNG terminal with the Italian network.

He is GIE Board Member, GTE and GSE Executive Committee Member
as well as ENTSOG Board Member.

He graduated in Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano and
achieved a Master on Business for Energy and Environment at the Eni
School for higher studies “E. Mattei”.


Agnieszka Ozga

Agnieszka Olga

Action Director, International Relations Division in the Polish TSO, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.

Ms. Ozga is associated with the energy industry from 2004. Since 2009 employed in Gas Market Development Division – International Projects Department. As of 1 January 2022 deputy director in International Relations Division.

Responsible for preparation and development of all projects safeguarding the national energy security, i.e.: gas interconnections with neighboring countries: Denmark (Baltic Pipe), Czech Republic (Stork I and Stork II), Slovakia (PL-SK Gas Interconnection), Lithuania (GIPL) and Ukraine (PL-UA gas Interconnection). Creation of well-integrated and diversified natural gas market in the CEE and Baltic Region by the implementation of the planned projects was one of the most important tasks. Excellent experience in successful obtaining of the UE funds from TEN-E, EEPR and CEF programs.

Currently involved in activities directly related to securing the longest and potentially widest use of gas infrastructure, as well as developing new competences in the area of implementing a new business model in relation to the transmission of decarbonized gases, including biomethane and hydrogen.


Abel Enríquez

Abel Enríquez

Abel Enríquez is Head of EU Affairs and Organisations at Enagás.
(biography expected)

Abel Enríquez


Stefan Königshofer
Gas Connect Austria

Stefan Königshofer

Head of Sales, Transmission & Distribution, Gas Connect Austria

Career at OMV Group and Gas Connect Austria

  • Since 2012: Gas Connect Austria GmbH (previously OMV Gas GmbH) –Head of Department Sales Transmission & Distribution
  • 2013 – 2014 BOG GmbH – Managing Director
  • 2010 – 2012 OMV Gas GmbH – Team Lead Key Account Management Sales Transmission
  • 2007 – 2011 Member of various Working Groups on European Level (ENTSOG)

Key aspect: Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management, Investment, Transparency and Tariff

  • 2004 – 2010 OMV Gas GmbH – Key Account Manager Department Transmission
  • 2002 – 2003 OMV Cogeneration GmbH – Key Account Manager Transmission and Storage



  • 2009 – Certified Process Manager
  • 2007 – Certified Project Manager
  • 2002 – Degree in Business Administration – Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien

Special Subject:  Transportation Economy and Logistics; Organisation and Material Logistics; Land Use Planning and Regional Economy


Michal Slaby

Michal Slaby
Head of Strategy

Michal has been active in the energy sector since 1999.

He started his career at RWE Transgas, where he was involved in the commodity trading, specifically with Norwegian gas producers.

He also held various managerial positions in the E.ON Group in the Czech Republic as well as in Germany, mainly in the field of the portfolio management. He spent a part of his carrier with the MND Group, where he was responsible for the gas storage business.

He has been working at NET4GAS which is the sole gas transmission system operator in the Czech Republic, since 2016, currently managing the strategy department.

Michal is also involved in several gas associations, he belongs to the management team of the Transmission committee of IGU and he is cochairing the Strategy committee by the Czech gas Association.


Michalis Thomadakis

Michael Thomadakis

Head of Strategy & Development Division, DESFA

Michael Thomadakis: Head of Strategy & Development Division, DESFA, as of 1st October 2020. Until then, he was a Partner in Grant Thornton Greece, leading the Energy Sector advisory, since September 2016.

He has extensive experience in energy markets’ regulation, as Vice Chairman of the Greek Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) and Member of the Board from 2005 to 2015, responsible for Gas and International Affairs, but also as member of the Board of Regulators of ACER, member of the CEER General Assembly, Chairman of the Gas Working Group of the Energy Community Regulatory Board and Chairman of the Investment Group of the Energy Charter Conference. He is a Member of the Board of Appeal of ACER since November 2016 and member of the Advisory Board of the Training Academy of CEER since 2015.

He has extensive personal involvement in the development of the gas legislation as well as the regulatory framework of the Greek gas market for the last 14 years, and was deeply involved in the corresponding developments in South East Europe. He had a leading role in the development of the regulatory framework for several gas infrastructure projects related to the Southern Gas Corridor, such as TAP, IGB and IGI.

He had active participation in the evolution of the Greek energy policy and served as Advisor to several Ministers of Energy on the evolution of energy policy, including Intergovernmental Agreements for international gas projects.

Before joining RAE, he was Deputy Head of Department in the Public Gas Corporation of Greece (DEPA SA), were he worked from the onset of the gas industry in Greece and for 7 years, as the contractual administrator of the Gas Procurement contracts from Russia (pipeline) and Algeria (LNG), the LNG transportation contracts, as well as on the development of underground gas storage, on the derivation of transportation tariffs and on the establishment of the Gas Distribution Companies in Greece. He was involved in all contractual negotiations with the gas suppliers and transporters, including price revision requests and dispute settlement with the suppliers.

In 2013 he chaired the Arbitration Tribunal which settled the electricity price dispute between a power producer and one of the biggest industrial consumers in Greece. He has a Mechanical Engineering degree from National Technical University of Athens and a PhD from the same University. He is the author of more than 30 papers and invited lecturer in many events of the energy industry worldwide.