"Going back to basics: gas molecules"-very informative (as usual) @EEF_EnergyForum
#MEP Assistant Briefing chaired by @MihaelMihov. Great to be back after the summer in the amazing #EEF family. And now it's probably time for a briefing on electricity?😉 #backtoschool #EnergyUnion

Making pathways for prosperity, solidity & cohesion in SE Europe.

Learn about #gasinfrastructure's role for security of supply with GIE Secretary General @AchovskiBoyana at #EconMetSummit.

🇬🇷5-6 Sept
🤝Meet Ministers, Ambassadors & industry leaders

Are you prepared to meet the European energy market compliance requirements? Sign up for the August 13 webinar and gain actionable insights from @CDataSoftware and @GIEBrussels. Don't miss out!

Watch how collaboration between gas infrastructure and the #biomethane industry can contribute to the EU climate targets.

Listen to Harmen Dekker, CEO of @European_Biogas, who joined us to discuss the role of terminal operators in greening and securing energy for Europe.

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GLE presentation - London - Barbara Jinks 2020/02/05 6.97 MBPPTX
4th LNG Int Summit GIE - Barbara Jinks 2020/02/05 17.17 MBPPTX
GSE presentation - Gas Coordination Group 22 September 2015 2015/09/22 677.50 KBPDF
GLE presentation at Conference on LNG for Transport, Rome, 11 June: European LNG terminals, status and outlook 2015/06/11 3.06 MBPDF
GLE presentation at Eurasian Natural Gas Infrastructure Conference, Istanbul, 10 June: European LNG terminals, status and outlook 2015/06/10 3.06 MBPDF
GLE presentation at WGCPARIS2015 (short version): The European Small-Scale LNG Infrastructure: Status and Outlook 2015/06/05 1.19 MBPDF
GLE presentation at WGCPARIS2015 (long version): The European Small-Scale LNG Infrastructure: Status and Outlook 2015/06/01 1.57 MBPDF
GLE presentation at ifri roundtable conference, Brussels: Energy Union and LNG Strategy: Perspective of European LNG Terminal Operators 2015/05/19 2.26 MBPDF
GLE Presentation at Small-Mid Scale LNG Summit, Amsterdam: Small-mid scale LNG infrastructure across Europe 2015/04/30 3.58 MBPDF
GIE Annual Conference 2015 in Dublin - Closing Speech by Mr Jean-Claude Depail, GIE President 2015/04/28 368.32 KBPDF
Opening Speech by Mr Jean-Claude Depail, GIE President at GIE Annual Conference 2015 in Dublin 2015/04/23 114.24 KBPDF
GLE Presentation at European LNG Strategy Network, London: Developing infrastructure to support the market for LNG as a fuel 2015/03/24 0ZIP
GLE presentation at CEER Workshop, Madrid: Operational aspects of LNG terminals in SoS 2015/03/17 2.15 MBPDF
GIE Presentation at CEER Workshop, Madrid: Stress Tests - The role of LNG to improve regional SoS in Europe 2015/03/17 1.05 MBPDF
GLE presentation at LNG Bunkering Summit, Amsterdam: Developing LNG infrastructure in Europe 2015/01/27 2.24 MBPDF
GLE presentation at Baltic LNG conference, Stockholm: LNG Outlook in EU and Baltic 2014/12/02 2.10 MBPDF
GLE presentation at High Level Conference, Rome: LNG - An alternative fuel for transport 2014/11/19 1.24 MBPDF
GLE presentation at Small-Scale LNG Forum, Rotterdam: Small-Scale LNG Market Trends in Europe 2014/11/05 1.85 MBPDF
GLE presentation at European Gas Summit, Berlin: Large-scale and small-scale LNG infrastructure in Europe: Status and Outlook 2014/09/30 2.28 MBPDF
GLE presentation at LNGgc, London: LNG infrastructure & terminal developments - The changing face of Europe's import terminals 2014/09/17 2.70 MBPDF
GSE presentation on Gas Coordination Group 2014/09/16 368.99 KBPDF
GIE Presentation on Security of Supply at the Gas Coordination Group meeting in September 2014/09/16 545.34 KBPDF
GLE presentation on Security of Supply at the Gas Coordination Group meeting in September 2014/09/16 817.94 KBPDF
Challenges and Outlook for Gas Storage in Europe - GSE presentation at the Energy Community workshop 28 May in Vienna 2014/05/28 1.15 MBPDF
Storage in the SoS context, joint CEER/GSE presentation at Madrid Forum 2014/05/06 481.26 KBPDF
GIE presentation at the 25th Madrid Forum: Gas infrastructure and security of supply (incl. LNG) 2014/05/06 1.53 MBPDF
GLE presentation at the 25th Madrid Forum: Small-Scale LNG Map 2014/05/06 904.17 KBPDF
GLE presentation at LNG Construction Summit, Amsterdam: Overview of LNG projects in Europe: Challenges and opportunities 2014/04/30 2.42 MBPDF
GLE presentation at Small-Mid Scale LNG Summit, Amsterdam: Small-Mid Scale LNG Infrastructure: Status and Outlook 2014/04/30 2.00 MBPDF
GLE presentation at GTS Summit, Berlin: Maximising LNG import potential to ensure sustainability and diversification of gas supplies 2014/03/25 3.12 MBPDF
Value of Storage 2014/03/20 516.55 KBPDF
GIE Presentation on treatment of Storages within Tariff Network Code 2014/03/14 381.59 KBPDF
GLE presentation to the GCG: Use and role of LNG in 2013 and expected contribution to SoS in 2014 2014/02/14 1.90 MBPDF
GLE presentation at European Gas Conference, Vienna: Outlook on European LNG infrastructure investments 2014/01/28 1.91 MBPDF
GIE Presentation kick off Workshop of ENTSOG on Tariffs 2014/01/15 353.41 KBPDF
GIE presentation at ENTSOG kick-off Workshop Incremental Capacity 2014/01/14 308.00 KBPDF
Jacques Laurelut Presentation in BERT lunch roundtable 2006/03/01 473.85 KBPDF