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GSE Response to CEER consultation “CEER Vision on the Regulatory Arrangements for the Gas Storage Market” 2014/12/04 497.44 KBPDF
GLE feedback on DG ENERGY conclusions paper on gas quality standardization 2014/11/12 308.05 KBPDF
GLE Report to GIIGNL General Assembly 2014 2014/10/08 1.80 MBPDF
Abstract: The European small-scale LNG infrastructure - Status and Outlook 2014/09/03 687.33 KBPDF
Appendix 2: LNG schema usage guidelines_GLE comments 2014/08/01 459.41 KBPDF
Appendix 1: GLE proposal sent to ACER on 10 April 2014 2014/08/01 73.79 KBXLSX
GIE answer to ACER’s Consultation Paper on the “Manual of Procedures on Fundamental Data Reporting under REMIT” 2014/08/01 541.89 KBPDF
GIE Security Risk Assessment Methodology - Summary / Presentation 2014/07/29 2.30 MBPDF
GIE Security Risk Assessment Methodology - Full version 2014/07/29 2.25 MBPDF
* Press Release * GIE launches Security Risk Assessment Methodology for Gas Infrastructure 2014/07/29 85.44 KBPDF
GIE initial reaction to the Commission Communication on European Energy Security Strategy 2014/06/27 396.01 KBPDF
* Press Release * Gas Transmission Europe (GTE) members re-elect Stephan Kamphues as their President 2014/06/17 106.00 KBPDF
GIE reaction to ACER’s green paper “Energy Regulation: A bridge to 2025” 2014/06/09 421.69 KBPDF
GIE answer to ACER on scoping of Rules for Trading 2014/05/12 364.04 KBPDF
GIE answer on DG ENER Priorities 2015 2014/05/09 377.20 KBPDF
GIE answer to ACER consultation - “Gas Target Model review and update” 2014/04/15 396.75 KBPDF
GIE view on status of Tariff Network Code April 2014 2014/04/09 277.78 KBPDF
The situation in Ukraine: Information from gas infrastructure operators in Europe 2014/03/11 199.87 KBPDF
GIE Position Paper regarding 'Measures to reduce the cost of deploying high-speed electronic communications networks’ 2014/02/28 205.14 KBPDF
GIE view on Seasonal Factors and Multipliers within Tariff Network Code 2014/02/15 264.93 KBPDF
GIE Answer on the ‘Consultation on Community Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental Protection’ 2014/02/13 258.10 KBPDF
GIE reaction to "Energy Regulation: A bridge to 2025" paper 2013/12/19 309.41 KBPDF
GIE position paper on Cyber-Security 2013/11/04 217.65 KBPDF
GIE answer to European Commission’s consultation on ACER evaluation under Article 34 of Regulation 713/2009 2013/09/18 256.43 KBPDF
GLE Report to GIIGNL General Assembly 2013 2013/09/11 1.03 MBPDF
GIE and Marcogaz position paper regarding the Clean Power for Transport Package 2013/07/11 229.00 KBPDF
GLE Position Paper: Overcoming barriers in the Small Scale LNG development 2013/07/05 606.46 KBPDF
GIE views on CEER’s Incremental Capacity Blueprint 2013/07/04 315.78 KBPDF
GIE answer to the Consultative Communication on The Future of Carbon Capture and Storage in Europe 2013/07/02 218.34 KBPDF
GIE answer to the public consultation on the “Green Paper on a 2030 framework for climate and energy policies” 2013/07/02 375.44 KBPDF
GIE answer to CEER consultation on its Annual Work Programme 2013/06/07 416.67 KBPDF
GIE President Interview in "Gaz d’aujourd’hui" published by the Association Française du Gaz 2013/06/06 2.29 MBPDF
GIE Key Messages 2013 2013/05/23 0ZIP
GIE President intervention at 2nd ACER Annual Conference in Ljubljana 2013/05/17 746.81 KBPDF
GIE answer to European Commission’s consultation on “Establishment of the annual priority list for the development of network codes and guidelines for 2014 and beyond” 2013/05/10 226.62 KBPDF
GIE response to public consultation Interoperability NC of ENTSOG 2013/04/26 330.26 KBPDF
GIE President intervention at EBC Working Committee 2013/03/15 256.69 KBPDF
Agenda - EBC Working Committee "Energy" 2013/03/15 134.37 KBPDF
GIE answer to the DG ENER's public consultation on its "Communication on energy technologies and innovation" 2013/03/14 47.15 KBPDF
GIE President intervention at Flame Conference 2013 2013/03/14 474.87 KBPDF
GIE Comments to EC’s Communication – Making the Internal Energy Market Work 2013/02/25 276.03 KBPDF
GIE letter to ACER on Tariff FG 2013/02/19 282.21 KBPDF
GIE answer to the Public consultation on Generation adequacy, capacity mechanisms and the internal market in electricity 2013/02/07 334.38 KBPDF
GIE answer to EIB Public Consultation on its Energy Lending Policy 2012/12/31 878.81 KBPDF
REMIT: GIE answer to EC public consultation 2012/12/07 419.38 KBPDF
GIE-Position on including methane number in EU standard for natural gas 2012/12/04 467.92 KBPDF
GIE article for the European Energy Innovation Magazine 2012/11/12 3.63 MBPDF
GIE answer to ACER Public Consultation on the Tariff Framework Guideline 2012/11/06 376.95 KBPDF
GSE Transparency Compliancy Audit for Storage System Operators 2012/11/05 167.16 KBPDF
GIE position paper regarding the revision and future of the European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP) 2012/10/01 111.68 KBPDF
GIE answer to ACER Public Consultation on its Draft Guidance Note on Consultation 2012/09/30 384.50 KBPDF
GLE input to ENTSOGs TYNDP 2012/09/14 197.35 KBPDF
GIE answer to ACER’s public consultation on its recommendations to the Commission on REMIT 2012/07/31 415.24 KBPDF
GIE answer to ACER consultation on its 2013 Work Programme 2012/07/30 256.11 KBPDF
GIE answer to CEER consultation on its 2013 Work Programme 2012/07/30 279.80 KBPDF
GIE Position Paper on Responsibility, Cost Allocation and Implementation for Gas Quality 2012/05/23 364.51 KBPDF
GIE response to ACER’s draft Framework Guidelines on Interoperability and Data Exchange Rules Public Consultation 2012/05/15 268.50 KBPDF
GIE answer to DG ENER PC on the priority list of the development of network codes 2012/04/17 356.07 KBPDF
GIE answer to the DG CLIMA’s Public Consultation on Maritime transport emissions reduction 2012/03/12 420.26 KBPDF
GIE answer to ACER public consultation on tariff scoping 2012/03/12 336.05 KBPDF
GIE updated Key Messages Energy Roadmap 2050 2012/03/05 0ZIP
GIE answer to DG ENER Public Consultation on Renewable Energy Strategy 2012/02/07 554.77 KBPDF
GIE Position Paper on Gas Quality 2011/12/14 321.64 KBPDF
GLE Position Paper: GLE's views on Small Scale LNG 2011/12/14 731.94 KBPDF
GSE Position Paper on Gas Quality 2011/12/14 329.17 KBPDF
GIE answer to DG CLIMA Public Consultation on reducing CO2 emissions from road vehicles 2011/12/09 443.72 KBPDF
GIE answer to CEER Work programme public consultation 2011/11/07 388.11 KBPDF
GLE Position Paper on “Pan-European Standardization of Gas Quality Specifications” 2011/11/04 357.61 KBPDF
GIE answer to the European Commission’s Public Consultation on Clean Transport Systems (CTS) initiative 11GIE0107 2011/10/20 606.78 KBPDF
GIE answer to CEER consultation paper “Draft Vision for a European Gas Target Model” 2011/09/20 450.35 KBPDF
GIE response to ACER questionnaire on the scoping document for the Interoperability Framework Guideline 2011/09/19 475.27 KBPDF
GIE answer to DG ENER Public Consultation on "Preliminary Consultant Report on Cost-benefit assessment of Gas quality harmonization in the EU" 2011/09/16 512.42 KBPDF
GIE answer to DG ENER Public Consultation “Permit granting procedures for energy infrastructure projects” 2011/04/30 425.77 KBPDF
GIE Answer to EC Public Consulation “Establishment of the priority list for the development of network codes for 2012 and beyond” 2011/04/18 431.62 KBPDF
GIE Response to Commission’s (DG ECFIN) Public Consultation on the “Europe 2020 Project Bond Initiative” 2011/03/18 380.43 KBPDF
Annex 1 - GIE answer to DG ENER Questionnaire on Financing Energy Infrastructure 2011/03/18 315.95 KBPDF
GIE Answer To DG ENER Public Consultation On Energy Roadmap 2050 2011/03/07 578.95 KBPDF
GIE Answer To EC Public Consultation On External Dimension Of EU Energy Policy 2011/03/07 419.38 KBPDF
Updated GIE Position Paper On Energy Roadmap 2050 Final 2011/03/07 388.71 KBPDF
GIE Answer To EC Public Consultation On The Future Role RIs Final 2011/02/15 433.08 KBPDF
GIE Answer To CEER Call For Evidence On Target Model 2011/01/14 470.13 KBPDF
ENTSOG's Foundation deed 2009/12/01 2.52 MBPDF
GLE paper on Roles and Responsibilities 2009/11/30 73.17 KBPDF
Memo of the Third GTE+ Workshop on the European Ten Year Network Development Plan 2009 2009/11/19 199.50 KBDOC
Eurelectric response 2009/11/03 46.33 KBPDF
GTE+ Winter Outlook 2009/2010 2009/10/30 0ZIP
GTE+ Demand Scenarios vs. Capacity Report 2009/10/27 1.04 MBPPT
Introduction to the Third GTE+ Workshop on the Ten Year Network Development Plan 2009/10/27 236.00 KBPPT
Supply Scenarios for the first GTE+ European Ten Year Network Development Plan 2009 2009/10/27 233.00 KBPPT
StatoilHydro response (cover note) 2009/10/07 37.17 KBPDF
StatoilHydro response 2009/10/07 56.79 KBPDF
ExxonMobil response 2009/10/07 146.50 KBDOC
Eurogas response 2009/10/07 133.00 KBDOC
ERGEG response 2009/10/07 29.35 KBPDF
Centrica response 2009/10/07 41.05 KBPDF
OGP response 2009/10/07 89.03 KBPDF
Preliminary GTE+ Winter Outlook 2009/2010 2009/09/30 973.00 KBPPT
GTE+ Demand Scenarios vs. Capacity Report 2009/07/31 0ZIP
GTE+ Reverse Flow Study 2009/07/24 3.80 MBPDF
GTE+ Reverse Flos Study_Cover note 2009/07/24 122.98 KBPDF
GTE+ Reverse Flow Study Technical Solutions 24July2009_Including post-publication modifications for Austria 2009/07/24 3.80 MBPDF
GTE+ 2010 Annual Work Programme Consultation / Initial Thoughts 2009/07/23 243.90 KBPDF
2010 AWP Response Proforma 2009/07/23 130.00 KBDOC
GTE+ Reverse Flow Study Technical Solutions 21July2009 2009/07/21 3.80 MBPDF
GTE+ Reverse Flow Study Cover Note July2009 2009/07/21 122.98 KBPDF
GTE comments to the ERGEG consultation on the ERGEG recommendations on the 10-year gas network development plan 2009/05/29 56.16 KBPDF
GIE Comments on the Commission_s proposal regarding Security of Supply and N-1 Rule 2009/05/26 62.83 KBPDF
Memo of the Second GTE+ Workshop on the European Ten Year Network Development Statement 2009 2009/05/18 41.87 KBPDF
GSE briefing paper on carbon dioxide storage 2009/05/04 436.83 KBPDF
Flexibility tools - appendix to the GSE Key Messages Paper "The Evolving Role of Storage in Flexibility Markets and Implications for European Energy Regulation" 2009/05/04 141.64 KBPDF
GIE views regarding the prevention and the management of gas crises 2009/04/30 69.67 KBPDF
EFET views 2009/04/29 652.00 KBPPT
ERGEG VIEWS on GTE+ approach on 10yipV5 2009/04/29 273.50 KBPPT
Eurogas views Martin Altstitter, Chairman Eurogas Forecasting TF 2009/04/29 823.00 KBPPT
GTE+ Demand Scenarios vs. Capacity Report, Preliminary Results and Way Forward 2009/04/29 1.15 MBPPT
GTE+ Winter Outlook, Current Structure and Content Elements 2009/04/29 205.00 KBPPT
Introduction to the Second GTE+ Workshop on the Ten Year Network Development Statement 2009/04/29 236.00 KBPPT
Way Forward and Organisation Stakeholder Dialogue 2009/04/29 502.50 KBPPT
GIE Response to SEER 2 and the Green Paper towards a secure, sustainable and competitive European Energy Network 2009/03/30 54.59 KBPDF
GSE Key messages paper: "The Evolving Role of Storage in Flexibility Markets and Implications for European Energy Regulation" 2009/03/26 42.35 KBPDF
GIE Response to the Commission's proposal regarding Security of Supply 2009/03/20 62.46 KBPDF
GIE Response to the EU Commission Consultation on the Revision of Council Regulation No 736/96 on Monitoring of Investment in Energy Infrastructures at EU Level 2009/03/20 43.18 KBPDF
Initial Ideas - ENTSOG's Development and Consultation Processes 2009/02/27 310.23 KBPDF
GSE Paper on Basic Principles for Determining Access to Storage 2009/02/15 59.89 KBPDF
REPORT on A benchmark among GTE members to assess difficulties in the application of the current GGP on Gas Balancing 2009/02/12 374.78 KBPDF
GSE paper on Basic Criteria for Capacity Allocation Mechanisms and Congestion Management Procedures 2009/02/06 49.92 KBPDF
Memo of the GTE+ Workshop European Ten Year Network Development Statement 2009 2009/02/06 46.25 KBPDF
GLE comment paper on European Commission's LNG Action Points 2009/02/02 93.30 KBPDF
10 year investment plan ERGEG approach and contribution 2009/01/21 177.50 KBPPT
ENTSO-g European 10 year development statement producer perspectives 2009/01/21 185.00 KBPPT
GTE+ Capacity Development Report 2008 - Key Results 2009/01/21 958.00 KBPPT
GTE+ Winter Outlook Current Version and next Steps 2009/01/21 1.65 MBPPT
Next phases of the First European Ten Year Network Development Statement 2009/01/21 368.00 KBPPT
Opening & Introduction 2009/01/21 209.50 KBPPT
Supply and demand scenarios for EU27 2009/01/21 1.80 MBPPT
GTE + first consolidated Capacity Development Report 2008/11/28 0ZIP
GTE+ Winter Outlook 2008/2009, Final Version 2008/10/31 1.54 MBPPT
Opening Address by Jean-Marc Leroy: Gas Storage Outlook in the Current Market Environment. delivered at Gas Storage and Infrastructure Forum, Vienna, 9 September 2008 2008/09/30 222.71 KBPDF
GTE+’s First Consultation Process – Conclusions Document "Next steps towards the European single gas market" 2008/09/30 316.19 KBPDF
GSE Position paper on CAM&CMP 2008/09/22 183.46 KBPDF
Preliminary GTE+ Winter Outlook 2008/2009 2008/09/18 1.12 MBPPT
EFET response 2008/08/20 526.04 KBPDF
Centrica response 2008/07/31 37.56 KBPDF
StatoilHydro response 2008/07/30 97.16 KBPDF
IFIEC response 2008/07/30 97.76 KBPDF
Eurogas response 2008/07/30 167.53 KBZIP
CEN response 2008/07/22 90.37 KBPDF
OGP response 2008/07/10 76.66 KBPDF
Gaselys response 2008/06/30 39.65 KBPDF
Minutes of GTE+ Workshop on GTE+ Work programme held on 24 June 2008 2008/06/24 116.04 KBPDF
Coordination of Capacity Products 2008/06/24 166.50 KBPPT
European Ten Year Network Development Statement 2008/06/24 475.50 KBPPT
European Winter Outlooks 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 2008/06/24 685.50 KBPPT
Interoperability 2008/06/24 204.00 KBPPT
Organisational Development 2008/06/24 720.00 KBPPT
Transparency Platform 2008/06/24 377.50 KBPPT
Welcome and Introduction 2008/06/24 232.00 KBPPT
Workshop Agenda 2008/06/24 488.90 KBPDF
GSE Observations on GGPSSO implementation 2008/05/29 173.45 KBPDF
GIE 2008 Communication paper 2008/05/26 639.15 KBPDF
GTE Plus First Consultation Document_20080519 2008/05/21 251.58 KBPDF
GTE+ First Consulation - Response Template 2008/05/19 155.00 KBDOC
GIE Comments to ERGEG GGP on Art22_final 2008/05/05 192.00 KBPDF
GSE Discussion paper strategic stocks_Final 2008/05/04 76.86 KBPDF
3rdPackage GTE 1page 2008/02/06 33.88 KBPDF
3rdPackage GTE QAs 2008/02/06 29.55 KBPDF
GTE comments on ERGEG consultation paper on tariff 2008/01/30 62.13 KBPDF
GLE detailed comments on Draft Guidelines for Good Third Party Access for LNG System Operators (GGPLNG) – An ERGEG Public Consultation Paper 2008/01/23 247.62 KBPDF
GLE general comments on Draft Guidelines for Good Third Party Access for LNG System Operators (GGPLNG) – An ERGEG Public Consultation Paper 2008/01/23 52.80 KBPDF
GIE WO for GCG 2008/01/08 243.83 KBPDF
European Commission benchmarking report 2005/11/15 287.24 KBPDF
Report by the Presidency to the Council on energy liberalisation package 2005/11/15 140.77 KBPDF
European Commission, Energy sector inquiry - issues paper 2005/11/15 2.25 MBPDF
GTE Balancing Paper 2005/09/30 211.00 KBDOC
GSE Observations on GGPSSO 2005/09/30 151.50 KBDOC
GTE Transit Report 2005 2005/06/27 612.50 KBDOC
GTE Tariff Report 2005 2005/06/23 2.19 MBPDF
LNG Business Rules 2004/07/02 106.23 KBPDF
LNG Ship Approval Procedure 2004/06/29 100.71 KBPDF
TE Position Paper on Storage 2004/04/13 125.10 KBPDF
GTE Draft Guidelines for Good Practice dated 11 December 2001 2001/12/11 16.93 KBPDF
Slides presented by Brian Withington, GTE Vice President at Emart Conference, 21November 2001 in Milano 2001/11/21 170.00 KBPPT
GTE slides presented at the Workshop with Users of the grid, 15 November 2001 in Brussels 2001/11/15 140.50 KBPPT
GTE slides presented at Workshop with Users of the grid, 15 November 2001 in Brussels 2001/11/15 82.00 KBPPT
GTE slides presented at Workshop with Users of the grid, 15 November 2001 in Brussels 2001/11/15 118.50 KBPPT
GTE Workshop with Users of the grid, 15 November 2001 in Brussels 2001/11/15 387.00 KBPPT
GTE Position Paper dated 5 October 2001, concerning Infrastructure 2001/10/05 0ZIP
Report on Balancing & Storage Issues presented at Madrid Forum IV, 2-3 July 2001 2001/07/03 129.50 KBPPT
Slides (part 2) presented to Madrid Forum IV, 2-3 July 2001 2001/07/03 83.00 KBPPT
Slides (part1) presented at Madrid Forum IV, 2-3 July 2001 2001/07/03 1.07 MBPPT
Slides presented at the Madrid Forum IV, 2-3 July 2001 2001/07/03 487.50 KBPPT
GTE Balancing and Storage Report (27.06.01), submitted to Madrid Forum IV, 2-3 July 2001 2001/06/27 441.80 KBPDF
EGISB Setup - 29 May 2001, Houston Meeting with GISB 2001/06/20 24.28 KBPDF
GTE Capacity Report (20.06.01) submitted to the Madrid Forum IV, 2-3 July 2001 2001/06/20 180.94 KBPDF
GTE Interoperability Report (20th June 2001) submitted to the Madrid Forum IV, 2-3 July 2001 2001/06/20 721.93 KBPDF
GTE Tariff Report (20.06.01) submitted to the Madrid Forum IV, 2-3 July 2001 2001/06/20 195.24 KBPDF
GTE comments dated 15th June 2001 on the Commission draft Strategy Paper III 2001/06/15 46.76 KBPDF
GTE comments dated 15th June 2001 on the Commission Recommendations on Guideline for Good Practices 2001/06/15 0ZIP
GTE comments dated 15th June 2001 on the draft Second Directive 2001/06/15 41.22 KBPDF
GTE Position Paper dated 15 June 2001 2001/06/15 94.32 KBPDF
GTE comments dated 3rd May 2001 on the Commission draft TOR on Tariff and Congestion 2001/05/03 61.31 KBPDF