Dear Visitor,
On behalf of Geert Joosten, GIE President, and DEPA , the Greek gas TSO I would like to thank you for attending the GIE Annual Conference in Athens on 3-4 November 2005 and making it a success.
The Conference gathered top level representatives from the European Commission, European Parliament, regulatory authorities, international organisations and the natural gas industry. A brief outline :
- Panel 1 – The role of the natural gas infrastructure in South East Europe
- Panel 2 – New gas streams
- Panel 3 – What happens when it gets cold?
- Panel 4 – Sharing lessons from unbundling
- Panel 5 – Achieving the internal gas market
Here you will find all presented materials .
We sincerely hope that you found the Conference useful to your business and we hope too meet you soon at another GIE event or meeting. For inquiries please contact the GIE secretariat :
Tel +32 2 209 05 00
Fax +32 2 209 05 01
GIE – Gas Transmission Europe
Avenue de Cortenbergh 100
B-1210 Brussels
Yours truly,
Philippe Mannoni
GIE Executive Secretary