DAY 1 | Thursday, 17 October 2024 |
OPENING / Torben BraboPresident GIE | | | |
OPENING / Arno BuexChief Commercial Officer, Fluxys
President-elect, GIE | | | |
Building a future-proofed energy system for Europe- MEP Tsvetelina Penkova | Vice-Chair, ITRE Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, European Parliament, President, European Energy Forum
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10:20 – 11:00 | Panel - World energy outlook: Implications for gas in Europe | | | |
Moderated by Anne-Sophie Corbeau, Global Research Scholar, Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia SIPA - Akos Losz | Lead Gas Analyst, International Energy Agency (IEA)
- Teodora Georgieva | Executive officer and Board Member, ICGB
- László Varró | Vice President Global Business Environment, Shell
- Arno Büx | CCO Fluxys, President-elect GIE
11:15 – 12:00 | Panel - Synergy in Motion: Uniting Energy Across Sectors & Vectors | | | |
Moderated by Sasha Twining, Master of Ceremony, Radio & TV Presenter - Ralph Bahke | Managing Director, ONTRAS, Hydrogen Area sponsor & GIE Board Member
- Ana Isabel Teixeira Pinto | Chair of the Power & Gas Interactions WG, Eureletric
- Bart Jan Hoevers | President, ENTSOG
- Jorgo Chatzimarkakis | CEO, Hydrogen Europe
- Anna Slavkovská | Managing Director, NAFTA, Board member, GIE
- Dr. Werner Götz | Transnet BW
12:00 – 12:40 | Panel - The Great Green Escape: Navigating Central East and South East Europe’s Path to Decarbonisation | | | |
The Great Green Escape: Navigating Central East and South East Europe’s Path to Decarbonisation Moderated by Boyana Achovski, Secretary General, GIE - Julian Popov | Former Minister of Environment and Water of Bulgaria
- Milan Sedláček | Head of EU Affairs and Strategy, eustream, President, Gas Transmission Europe (GTE)
- Karolina Čegir | Senior Gas Expert, Energy Community
- Agnieszka Ozga | Director Energy Transformation Division, GAZ-SYSTEM
- Michael Thomadakis | Head of Strategy & Development Division, DESFA
13:20 – 14:00 | Panel - The Hydrogen Express: Powering Onshore, Offshore, and Beyond | | | |
Moderated by Emmanuel Grand, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting - Giles Dickson | CEO, WindEurope
- Georg Dorfleutner | Managing Director, RAG Energy Storage, Board Member, GIE
- María Sicilia Salvadores I Co-Chair, European Hydrogen Backbone & Director, Infrastructure Investment Office, Enagas
- Detlef Brüggemeyer | CTO, Open Grid Europe (OGE)
14:00 – 14:15 | Keynote | The Bavarian perspectiv | | | |
14:15 – 14:40 | GIETalk | Project presentations | | | |
Dr. Matthias Jenn | Managing Director, bayernets | | | |
Dominique Mockly | Chairman and CEO of TERÉGA | | | |
Dr. Christoph von dem Bussche | Managing Director, Gascade | | | |
14:40 – 14:55 | GIETalk | Study Presentation | | | |
Keynote by Frontier Economics & Artelys representatives presenting the study - Stefan Rohm | Manager, Frontier Economics
- Christopher Andrey | Director, Artelys
14:55 – 15:40 | Panel - Storing the Future: Underground Solutions for Hydrogen | | | |
Panel moderated by Anne-Sophie Corbeau, Global Research Scholar, Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia SIPA - Benedikt Klauser | Policy Officer, DG ENER, European Commission
- Csilla Bartók | Acting Head of Department – Gas, Hydrogen & Retail, Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)
- Charlotte Roule | CEO, Storengy, President, Gas Storage Europe (GSE)
- Doug Waters | Managing Director, Uniper Energy Storage, Board Member, GIE
- Eric Lamboley | Associate Director, Guidehouse & H2eart for Europe
- Lukasz Pasterski | Head of Communications, Fertilizers Europe
16:00 – 16:15 | GIE talk | Unlocking terminals’ full potential: policy levers overview | | | |
Presentation of the strategic analysis of the decarbonisation pathways for terminals to advance the EU’s green energy agenda. - Matthias Janssen | Associate Director, Frontier Economics
- Rogier Roobeek | Senior Consultant Energy Markets & Strategy, DNV
Tatiana Marquez Uriarte / DG ENER European Commission | | | |
16:15 – 17:00 | Panel - Multimolecular terminals: securing & greening Europe’s energy supplies | | | |
The panel will enable EU leaders to elaborate on ongoing and future collaborative efforts and policy initiatives to ensure a secure, efficient, and rapid decarbonisation process of the EU’s energy system with the terminals as critical allies. Moderated by Luis Parada | Director, EU Energy Policy & Regulation, Enagás, Board Member, GIE, President, Gas LNG Europe (GLE) - Tatiana Marquez Uriarte | Member of Cabinet of the Commissioner for Energy
- Dr. Peter Röttgen | Managing Director, Deutsche Energy Terminal (DET)
- Stefaan Adriaens | Commercial Manager, Gate Terminal
- Nelly Nicoli | CEO, Elengy
- Olivier Heurtin | President, Dunkerque LNG
- European Sea Port Representative*
17:00 – 17:30 | Panel Winners of the Mystery panel | | | |
Winners of the Mystery panel Moderated by Sasha Twining | Master of Ceremony, Radio & TV Presenter |
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DAY 2 | Friday, 18 October 2024 |
9:30 – 9:55 | Opening of the day | | | |
The way forward for gas infrastructures: challenges, opportunities and the road ahead - Piotr Kuś | General Director, ENTSOG
- Pieter van Aartsen | Director Venture Governance, Gasunie, Board Member, GIE, representing pre-ENNOH
9:55-10:05| GIETalk | Hydrogen Presentation | | | |
What are the challenges in achieving 2030 energy and climate targets?
Are EU regulations fit for purpose in an ever-changing global energy market? |
9:55-10:45 | Hydrogen | | | |
Keynote by Dr. Christian Ohlms | CFO, SEFE Securing Energy for Europe | | | |
10:05-10:45 | Panel – Zooming on the Low Carbon Delegated act | | | |
Moderated by Luber Perez Aguilera, VP Business Development, Head of Germany, Rystad Energy Keynote by Dr. Christian Ohlms | CFO, SEFE Securing Energy for Europe - Manuel Villavicencio | Deloitte, Economic Advisory – Energy & Climate Economics
- Nicola Rega | Executive Director Climate Change & Energy, CEFIC
- Victor Bernabeu | Policy Director, Eurogas
10:45 -11:25 | Panel – Biomethane: Unlocking the 2040 Target | | | |
Moderated by Padraig Fleming | Gas Networks Ireland* - Pierre Duvieusart | Deputy Director-General, GRTgaz, Biomethane Area Sponsor & Board Member, GIE
- Giulia Cancian | Secretary General, European Biogas Association (EBA)
- Kateryna Kovalenko | Head of Strategy, Gas TSO of Ukraine
- Mirjam Röder | Professor, Aston University
11:25-11:35 | GIETalk | Biomethane Project Presentation | | | |
- John Cosmo Dwelle | Head of Operations & Business Development, Landwärme
11:55-12:35 | Panel | CCUS Strategy Unveiled | | | |
- Panel moderated by Sasha Twining | Master of Ceremony, Radio & TV Presenter
- Mathilde Blanchard | Senior Policy Lead, Global CCS Institute
- François-Régis Mouton | Managing Director, IOGP Europe
- Stefano Miriello | Head of EU External Affairs, Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA)
- Sebastian Fischer | Policy Advisor, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany
12:35-12:45 | GIETalk | CCUS Project Presentation | | | |
Determining the market for liquid CO2 shipping until 2050 based on the regional imbalances between CO2 capture and storage capacities Natalia Gmucova | Director, Energy Practice, FTI Consulting |
12:45-13:05 | European Elections & Commission Transition: Ahead of the 5 years | | | |
Moderated by Sasha Twining | Master of Ceremony, Radio & News Presenter - Ilaria Conti | Coordinator for Strategy & Development, Florence School of Regulation (FSR), Vice-Chair, UNECE Group of Experts on Gas, United Nations
- Niko Bosnjak | GIE Public Affairs & Communication WG Co-chair & Head of Policy & Communication, OGE
13:05-13:15 | Closing Ceremony & GIE transition | | | |
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Other Galleries |
GIE AC 2024 – Uniper UGS Bierwang | | | |
GIE AC 2024 - Joint GIE/ENTSOG Board Reception | | | |
GIE AC 2024 | DAY1 | NETWORKING | | | |
GIE AC 2024 | DAY2 | NETWORKING | | | |