February 13, 2018
The map provides a comprehensive overview of biomethane installations in Europe.
Brussels, 13 February 2018 – Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE), in collaboration with the European Biogas Association (EBA), have just published the ‘European Biomethane Map 2018’. This comprehensive map locates and lists all known biomethane installations running in Europe, which amount to over 500 units. It is the first of its kind, produced thanks to up-to-date information gathered from national biogas associations, energy agencies and companies.
The map provides specific details about each biomethane plant, including their connection to the gas grid, feed-in capacity, main substrate used, upgrading process and date of start of operation. Cross-border interconnection points and pipelines are also indicated. Furthermore, the map brings additional data about the European biomethane market evolution, distribution of plants in European countries, and forecasts of natural gas and biomethane indigenous production in Europe until 2037.
Jan Stambasky, EBA president, said:“ The number of biomethane plants in Europe has been considerably increasing in recent years, reaching over 500 units today. EBA and GIE have decided to illustrate this positive trend with this map, which provides a high-quality overview of the main technical features, current status and location of existing installations. With the huge development of the biomethane sector expected in the coming years, this pioneering map might be the first of a long series ”.
Boyana Achovski, GIE Secretary General, said: “Together with EBA, GIE initiated the project ‘ Biomethane Map’ and we are happy to present the first edition. GIE is convinced that the European Gas Grids are ready to ensure that biomethane is transported and injected locally and used globally. This map shows the positive development of the biomethane plants nowadays ”.
The map is available for download on GIE and EBA websites.
Should you be interested in the print format, please feel free to order it on GIE website .
European Biogas Association (EBA) is the leading European association in the field of biogas and biomethane production covering the anaerobic digestion and gasification industries, committed to the active promotion of the deployment of sustainable biogas and biomethane production and use throughout Europe. EBA has currently more than 90 members in 26 European countries. [ european-biogas.eu ]
Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) is the association representing the sole interest of the infrastructure industry in the natural gas business such as Transmission System Operators, Storage System Operators and LNG Terminal Operators. GIE has currently 68 members in 25 European countries. [ www.gie.eu ]
Press Contact
Should you require any further information please contact:
EBA – European Biogas Association
Rue d’Arlon 63-67, B-1040, Brussels
+32 24 00 10 89
GIE – Gas Infrastructure Europe
Avenue de Cortenbergh 100, B-1000 Brussels
+32 2 209 05 00
Press contact:
Gabrielle Lelievre
Communication Advisor
T +32 478 78 34 83