"Going back to basics: gas molecules"-very informative (as usual) @EEF_EnergyForum
#MEP Assistant Briefing chaired by @MihaelMihov. Great to be back after the summer in the amazing #EEF family. And now it's probably time for a briefing on electricity?😉 #backtoschool #EnergyUnion

Making pathways for prosperity, solidity & cohesion in SE Europe.

Learn about #gasinfrastructure's role for security of supply with GIE Secretary General @AchovskiBoyana at #EconMetSummit.

🇬🇷5-6 Sept
🤝Meet Ministers, Ambassadors & industry leaders

Are you prepared to meet the European energy market compliance requirements? Sign up for the August 13 webinar and gain actionable insights from @CDataSoftware and @GIEBrussels. Don't miss out!

Watch how collaboration between gas infrastructure and the #biomethane industry can contribute to the EU climate targets.

Listen to Harmen Dekker, CEO of @European_Biogas, who joined us to discuss the role of terminal operators in greening and securing energy for Europe.

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Category Archives: News

Energy System Integration vs Sector Coupling: What are the differences?

How can molecules provide flexibility to the energy system? Find the answers in two 1-pagers. Discover the fact-based summary of the most relevant information on gas, hydrogen, and electricity systems interlinkages […]

Urgent need for targeted policy intervention to fulfil European underground hydrogen storage needs

On 4 April 2024, the study was exclusively discussed during a high-level event organized by Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE).

Master the basics of underground gas storage

by reading this toolkit Underground gas storage is the first flexibility provider in Europe’s energy system today, creating market value, optimising gas and electricity system costs and ensuring the security of supply […]

AGSI and ALSI Transparency Platforms

GIE’s AGSI and ALSI Transparency Platforms provide inventory reporting in daily resolution for underground gas storages and large-scale LNG terminals. As a voluntary initiative by storage and LNG operators, it can […]

GIE Narrative on the Hydrogen and Gas Market Decarbonisation Package

GIE supports the European Commission’s objectives of improving the gas market framework and to decarbonise the gas system. However, there are some elements that could make the Hydrogen and Decarbonised […]

Towards 3000 TWh/year of imported energy: LNG terminals offer solutions for massive diversification of supply roads

The current crisis recalls how crucial fostering a secure and resilient energy system is to protect EU citizens and economies. Diversifying roads and sources of supply is essential: this is […]

Record-breaking year for biomethane production shows EBA/GIE Biomethane Map 2021

The biomethane industry smashed all records in 2021: Europe counts now with 1,023 production plants. Considering the decarbonisation potential of biomethane, this figure is a steppingstone for the decarbonisation of […]

System Development Map 2020/2021 published by ENTSOG and GIE

The 10th edition of the System Development map, illustrating existing and planned gas infrastructure and gas capacities in 2020-2021, was developed by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas […]

GIE Position Paper on the Additionality Principle

Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin (RFNBOs), especially hydrogen, will play a crucial role in our future energy system. Straightforward, market-based, well-functioning and non-discriminatory rules on the conditions under which RFNBOs […]

GIE Position on Blending Hydrogen into Existing Gas Infrastructure

GIE published a position paper on blending hydrogen into the existing gas infrastructure. The ramp-up of the hydrogen market will develop via different pathways and at different speeds. Hydrogen blending […]