Registration | | | |
Networking / Day 1 | | | |
Networking / Day 2 | | | |
GIE General Assembly | | | |
  Sasha Twining, Master of Ceremony | | | |
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Opening Remarks | | | |
  Boyana Achovski, Secretary General, GIE | | | |
  Torben Brabo, President, GIE & Senior Vice President, Energinet Group | | | |
  Cristian Bușoi, MEP & ITRE Committee Chair, European Parliament | | | |
  Dóra Zombori, Ambassador-at-Large for Energy and Climate Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary | | | |
  Kadri Simson, EU Commissioner for Energy, European Commission | | | |
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State secretarial panel | | | |
Gas infrastructure & new supply routes | | | |
Opening remarks  Ákos Kriston, President & CEO Hungarian Gas Storage | | | |
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Panel Discussion / Moderator  Sasha Twining, Journalist, Radio & TV Presenter | | | |
  Adam Guibourgé-Czetwertyński, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Climate & Environment, Poland | | | |
  Attila Steiner, State Secretary for the Development of Circular Economy, Energy & Climate Policy Ministry for Innovation and Technology, Hungary | | | |
  Karol Galek, Secretary of State, Ministry of Economy, Slovak Republic | | | |
  René Neděla, Deputy Minister for Energy, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Czech Republic | | | |
Global Outlook | | | |
Unleashing the power of renewable & low-carbon molecules for security of supply | | | |
Panel Discussion / Moderator  Anne-Sophie Corbeau, Global Research Scholar, Centre on Global Energy Policy | | | |
  Florian Ermacora, Neighbourhood policies & international relations DG ENER, European Commission | | | |
  Gergely Molnár, Gas Expert, International Energy Agency | | | |
  Michal Meidan, Director, Gas Research Programme & Director, China Energy Programme at Oxford Institute for Energy Studies | | | |
  Sue-Ern Tan, Head Gas & Renewable and Energy Solutions Corporate Relations, Policy and Advocacy at Shell | | | |
  Vincent Demoury, Secretary General at GIIGNL – International Group of LNG Importers | | | |
  Dr Axel Wietfeld, CEO, Uniper Hydrogen GmbH & President, GSE | | | |
Reality check | | | |
Hydrogen & Decarbonised Gas Market Package - Shifting from the current state of play | | | |
Keynote Speech  Jerzy Buzek, MEP, Poland (EPP) European Parliament | | | |
Panel Discussion / Moderator  Christopher Jones, Principal, Energy regulatory & Antitrust Baker McKenzie | | | |
  Dennis Hesseling, Head of Department Infrastructure, Gas & Retail ACER | | | |
  László Fritsch, CEO at MVM CEEnergy | | | |
  Piotr Kuś, General Director at ENTSOG | | | |
  Ralph Bahke, Managing Director, ONTRAS & Hydrogen Area Sponsor, GIE | | | |
Waking up in 2030 | | | |
For a safer and cleaner world to live in | | | |
Panel Discussion / Moderator  Claudia Patricolo, Editor in Chief at CEENERGYNEWS | | | |
  Erik Kolstø, Commercial Director at Net4Gas | | | |
  Jorgo Chatzamarkakis, CEO at Hydrogen Europe | | | |
  Maria Olczak, Research Associate at Florence School of Regulation (FSR) | | | |
  James Watson, Secretary General at Eurogas | | | |
  Małgosia Rybak, Climate Change & Energy Director at Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) | | | |
Cleaning up transport | | | |
Opportunities & challenges ahead | | | |
Keynote Speech  Ismail Ertug, MEP (RE, AT) – Rapporteur, Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation European Parliament | | | |
Panel Discussion / Moderator  Arno Büx, Chief Commercial Officer, Fluxys and President, GLE – Board Member, GIE | | | |
  Héctor Calls Martínez, Head of Environmental Sustainability at Port of Barcelona | | | |
  Victor Bernabeu, Senior Policy Advisor at Eurogas | | | |
  Fanny Lossy, Senior Policy Advisor – Maritime Safety, Environment and Offshore at European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) | | | |
  Steve Esau, Chief Operating Officer at SEA-LNG | | | |
  Faïg Abbasov, Shipping Programme Director at Transport & Environment | | | |
Investing in a secure future | | | |
renewable & low-carbon gases infrastructure | | | |
Opening remarks  Ferencz I. Szabolcs, CEO and Chairman of the Board at FGSZ Hungarian Gas Transmission Ltd. | | | |
Panel Discussion / Moderator  Sasha Twining, Journalist, Radio & TV Presenter | | | |
  Federica Sabbati, Chair at European Net Zero Alliance (ENZA) | | | |
  Niko Bosnjak, Head of Policy & Communications, OGE Representative at European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) | | | |
  Harald Stindl, Managing Director, Gas Connect Austria & President, GTE | | | |
  Francisco de la Flor, Enagás co-chair at ECH2A T&D Roundtable | | | |
Networking Evening at Royal Palace Budapest | | | |
Exhibition | | | |
Let's talk Energy and Politics | | | |
Discussion  Frédéric Simon, Journalist at Euractiv | | | |
  Paolo Nicoletti, Managing Director at NOVE | | | |
Security of Supply in Europe | | | |
A safe mix of molecules and electrons - On scalability, cost efficiency and security of supply | | | |
Panel Discussion / Moderator  Philipp Alexander Ostrowicz, Senior Research Advisor at Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI) | | | |
  Paula Pinho, Director, Just transition, consumers, energy efficiency & innovation at DG ENER, European Commission | | | |
  Giles Dickson, CEO at WindEurope | | | |
  Harmen Dekker, CEO at European Biogas Association (EBA) | | | |
  Camille Bonenfant-Jeanneney, CEO, Storengy & Disruptive Energy Area Sponsor, GIE | | | |
  Diana-Paula Gherasim, Advisor Renewables – 2030 Framework Lead at Eurelectric | | | |
  Arno Büx, Chief Commercial Officer, Fluxys & President, GLE | | | |
The future of storage in practice | | | |
Large-scale storage of renewable hydrogen in porous reservoirs in Europe - HyUsPre | | | |
  Remco Groenenberg, Senior Scientist Sustainable Geo Energy at TNO | | | |
Closing | | | |
  György Berze, CEO at HEXUM Földgáz Zrt. | | | |
  Torben Brabo, President, GIE & Senior Vice President, Energinet Group | | | |