MéthyCentre is a project that aims at demonstrating the technical and economic feasibility the first Power-to-Gas process in France that combines methanisation (biomethane production), electrolysis (hydrogen production) and methanation (synthetic methane production). The site is located in the Centre-Val de Loire region of central France. The renewable methane produced will be injected to the local grid for domestic (heat, cooking…) and industrial needs (heat, chemical industry), but also used as a fuel for transports.
Timeline of the project:
The project will come into service in 2021.
The hydrogen will be used for transports.
The organic matter used for the methanisation process will come from local farms.
MéthyCentre provides a solution for a crucial challenge : transforming renewable electricity (and the CO2 contained in the biogas) into large quantities of hydrogen and synthetic methane in order to meet customers’ needs, whether for green mobility powered by hydrogen and biogas (bio-CNG) or for injection into the natural gas network.