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GIE releases the LNG investment database 2019

October 30, 2019

Natural gas continues to prove being a reliable fuel in the energy transition process, not only for being the cleanest fossil fuel but also in terms of security of supply.

On the base of a developed transportation and storage infrastructure, the liquefied natural gas (LNG) brings in the additional advantage of being transportable over long distances, improving market liquidity and developing multiple ways of usage, from maritime and road transportations to supplying remote area not connected to the grid.

The LNG investment database comprises both the historical and future LNG terminals main data, showing the development of each European LNG terminal by year.

Along with the recent published New LNG Services Inventory and the LNG List of Services , the LNG investment database shows the dynamics of the LNG in Europe and highlights the future perspective of the market.

Over the last year, LNG receiving capacities continued to be developed.

Beginning of 2019, operational regasification capacities are above 240 bcm/y in Europe (212 bcm/y in EU, that is almost 50% af EU gas demand), not to mention the capacities under construction, nor the planned ones.

LNG investment database 
along with ALSI Transparency Platform Transparency template LNG Map and associated databases New LNG Services Inventory and the LNG List of Services highlights the GIE transparency commitment while also providing relevant tools for market participants and market analysts.

Note to editors

Gas LNG Europe (GLE) currently comprises 16 European LNG terminal operators from 9 countries, representing more than 90% of all the existing LNG regasification capacity in Europe. GLE is one of the columns of GIE, Gas Infrastructure Europe, the European association of the Transmission, Storage and LNG terminal Operators.

GLE is committed to promoting the development of a fully operational European internal market for LNG and the creation of a stable and predictable regulatory framework which is conductive to investments and which ensures transparency and non‐discriminatory treatment.
To find out more about GIE’s structure and activities, please visit our website at www.gie.eu .


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