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GSE announces new improvements of its Aggregated Gas Stock Inventory

January 20, 2012

Gas Storage Europe (GSE) is proud to inform that the GSE Aggregated Gas Stock Inventory (AGSI) platform has been extended to include data for REN, the Global Technical Manager of the Portuguese gas system. REN will report the aggregated gas storage information comprising the two existing SSOs, REN Armazenagem and Transgás Armazenagem, of the new hub region “Portugal”, which is a sub-region of hub region “Iberian”. Thanks to this extension, the AGSI platform covers now geographically the storage market of the Iberian peninsula.

The GSE AGSI platform is accessible at: http://transparency.gie.eu.com/.
GSE is continuously working on improving and extending the AGSI platform following the positive feedback from gas traders, shippers, the European Commission and others who see it as a useful tool allowing them to keep track of storage use and inventory levels across Europe on daily basis. As on 20th of January 2012, the GSE Aggregated Gas Storage Inventory shows the total volume of gas in stock at around 54 billion cubic meters, more than 10% above the inventory levels of mid-January of the past two years. This is mainly due to mild winter and lower underlying demand but is also a result of the positions taken by storage users. The current inventory level represents around 15% of the entire average European winter demand, providing a considerable safety margin for gas supply in Europe. Storage System Operators ensure complete reliability of their respective facilities so as to provide the services required by the market, be it in average winter conditions or in the event of extremely cold weather. Since the beginning of this winter, storage facilities operated by GSE members experienced no outages.

Jean-Marc Leroy, GSE President, stated: “Our storage facilities run well and the available daily gas withdrawal capacity is sufficient to meet the requirements of storage users. European Storage System Operators are committed to responding to market needs and supporting Europe’s security of supply”.

GSE intends to publish regular updates over the winter period on the storage situation in Europe.

Note to editors

Gas Storage Europe (GSE) represents the interests of 31 Storage System Operators with around 110 storage sites in 15 countries in Europe, representing approximately 79 BCM, i.e. 88% of EU technical storage capacity . GSE is one column of GIE, Gas Infrastructure Europe, the European association of the Transmission, Storage and LNG terminal Operators. GSE is committed to improving the regulatory and investment framework for storage activities in order to help its members to continue providing secure, efficient and valuable storage services to the market.

The Aggregated Gas Stock Inventory delivers online daily data representing approximately 76 BCM, i.e. 85 % of EU technical storage capacity. It shows for 8 defined hub areas the volume in stock as well as the daily injection and withdrawal.