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New Year, New Map | ENTSOG and GIE publish their joint System Capacity Map 2025

January 13, 2025

Today, ENTSOG and GIE have jointly published their System Capacity Map, illustrating the latest European gas infrastructure and capacities, and providing useful gas market data.


The 2023-2024 historical data on gas demand and supply at European level from the latest Summer and Winter Review Reports are presented aggregated in the form of charts. The map also provides import and transmission capacity data as of 1 January 2025. Information regarding the gas storage fill rate and LNG capacities shown were obtained from the GIE AGSI and ALSI platforms respectively.

In this edition, the map displays network grid projects that are also mapped in the TYNDP2024, including additional LNG terminals.  Furthermore, import cross-border points and parts of the existing network have been updated in this newly published map. ENTSOG and GIE continuously work with each map edition to improve data transparency and accessibility to better present EU gas infrastructure.

Piotr Kuś, ENTSOG General Director, commented, “The combination of mapped gas infrastructure along with detailed capacity data continues to provide an efficient and centralised source of information and can be used as a complementary tool when referring to the ENTSOG Seasonal Outlooks’ methodology and the TYNDP 2024 mapped projects.”

Boyana Achovski, GIE Secretary General, reminded: “The system capacity map provides transparency to the whole energy sector. Storage infrastructures and LNG Terminals already play a crucial role in securing a flexible supply of gas in the EU. The investments in the gas infrastructures made today will foster security of supply for gas in the short-term, and the supply of other energy molecules in the long-term.”


The map is available in print and digital formats.

The pdf map is available for download at:

  • the ENTSOG website: here
  • the GIE website: here


All maps published by ENTSOG and GIE can be ordered in hardcopy format at https://www.gie.eu/map-order or https://www.entsog.eu/maps.

Note to editors

Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE)  represents gas and hydrogen transmission, storage and terminal infrastructure operators. Their members work and innovate with natural, renewable and low-carbon gases, including hydrogen, biomethane and CCUS technologies. Gathering around 70 European companies, GIE embodies multiple transitional decarbonisation pathways of the EU regions. By 2050, the role of the gas infrastructure will evolve to enhance decarbonisation while securing Europe’s supply via integrated solutions. More information on GIE can be found on our website – or contact gie@gie.eu.


The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) was founded in line with Regulation (EC) 715/2009 and has played a key role in facilitating integration of the European gas markets, ensuring technical interoperability and providing security of supply by gas infrastructure planning. Looking forward, ENTSOG is contributing to the net-zero decarbonisation by 2050, in particular, by the integration of renewable and low carbon gases via future-proof gas transmission pipelines, in line with the EU energy and climate goals. More information on ENTSOG can be found on our website – or contact info@entsog.eu.


Press contact 

Should you require any further information, please contact Ms. Carmel Carey (carmel.carey@entsog.eu) or Ms. Mahtab Jalali (mahtab.jalali@gie.eu).
