June 21, 2021
Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) has submitted its response to the Public Consultation of the EU Commission on the Gas/Hydrogen Package. GIE welcomes the Commission’s initiative to set out clear rules for the functioning of the future gas and hydrogen market which will be aligned with the targets of the EU Green Deal.
In order to achieve the climate targets of the EU, the upcoming revision of the EU gas network rules will be crucial to set the right regulatory framework for all kinds of gases. GIE believes that the new legislation must provide the right tools to incentivise investments into sustainable solutions. Gas infrastructure operators have the expertise to guarantee safe transport, storage and import – not only of natural gas, but also of renewable and low-carbon gases. The new legislative framework should aim to facilitate the integration of these new gases into our infrastructures.
Boyana Achovski, Secretary-General of GIE states: “Now is the time to set the course for the energy system of the future. If we want to deliver climate neutrality by 2050, we need the right incentives to invest in infrastructure for renewable and low-carbon gases. The co-existence of molecules and electrons must be well-reflected in EU legislation.”
Torben Brabo, President of GIE further explains: “Concrete solutions are expected to turn the Green Deal targets into reality. Gas infrastructure operators stand ready to contribute to the decarbonisation of the energy system with many innovative projects and technologies. By transporting, storing and importing all kinds of gases, our members will play a crucial role in the energy transition.”
Piotr Kuś, Sponsor of GIE CH4 Area continues: “The regulatory framework must set main regulatory principles applied at EU-level, while also taking into consideration the different characteristics across the EU. Diverse pathways of the energy transition must be duly recognised in the legislative framework. Providing adequate solutions that will accelerate decarbonisation in each country are key.”
GIE’s key messages are:
Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) is the association representing the interests of European gas infrastructure operators. GIE members are active in transmission, storage and regasification via LNG terminals of renewable and low-carbon gases, including natural gas and hydrogen. Gathering around 70 industry entities from 27 European countries, GIE perfectly embodies the multiple transitional decarbonisation pathways of the EU regions. The association’s vision is that by 2050, the gas infrastructure will be the backbone of the new innovative energy system, allowing European citizens and industries to benefit from a secure, efficient and sustainable energy supply.